
"Pay It Forward" winners

It's time to announce the winners of my first giveaway and I do thank you very much ladies for participating in the Pay It Forward giveaway. A huge "THANK YOU" goes to Alicia @ Confessions of a Snowflake for her giveaway and I was one of the blessed winners.

The winners for the book "Live a Praying Life: Open Your Life to God's Power and Provision" by Jennifer K. Dean are:


Shanita at By His Stripes We are Healed

Congratulations ladies.

Thank you for playing along and I enjoy reading your blogs as I get to know each of you better. Your blogs are very inspiring. Please email me your address in order to get the book as soon as possible. My email address is: myriamf73@hotmail.com

Have a blessed week.



  1. Thanks for playing along Myriam! I hope the winners enjoy their books!

    Take care my friend!
    I'm glad to have found you on Twitter :o)

  2. I'm feel blessed and there is a reason for all things and I'm excited to see what lessons I learn from being one of the chosen winners.

    Thanks so much and a special thanks to Alicia for passing "it" on.

    Love, peace and blessings!

  3. Hey Ms. Myriam, I just read your "Are you rich post." Loved it.

    see ya.
