
The Most High God

"in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thess. 5:18
I know it's easier to give thanks when everything is going well not when life throws us an ugly curve ball that many times we don't see a way out. But thankfully, Our El Elyon, the Most High God is sovereign. The Bible contains different names of God and to know His name is to know Him. The Most High God continues to rule today and over the affairs of men because 'His dominion is an everlasting dominion...' (Dan 4:34).

Early this year, I gave 'thanks' He caused all things work together for my good but after the facts - really understood a year later in retrospect. I lost my job last January and was out of work for 6 months and but He had me prepared because I had ust completed a study of Daniel and was amazed at the sovereignty of God in the affairs of men. I studied how He faithfully revealed so much about what was to take place, what has taken place, and what is yet to take place. So I rested in the fact He knew I was going to loose my job and being the sole provider was a bit scary but He was and still is in control. Out of it all, I came to know God in a new way and this month I was able to look back and concluded that 'It was for my good that I lost my job' and said to Him 'You knew what you were doing' Duh - of course He does. That's the path He chose to teach me lessons that are life-changing and I tried to sound the clarion at every opportunity about what I learned.

I am forever grateful Father.

Is your heart troubled? Are you afraid of anything at all? We are living in tumultuous times and it is easier to give thanks when we understand that our Father, El Elyon, God Most High, is in control and that nothing takes place in His universe without His permission. When we are hurt by others, unsure about tomorrow, finances in disarray, children, the world, Satan and because all things work together for our good according to God's purpose then we can rest in Him and give thanks because it is His will for you and me in Christ Jesus (1Thes 5:18).

And we can say as Joesph did 'And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result...

Beloved of God, run into the arms of your El Elyon and put your trust in His Name and let's give thanks.

I will cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me. Ps 57:2

I have been singing this song for the past week and if you are willing - sing along.


  1. Ms. Myriam

    I like, rather I love, to be among the persons having religious inclination. Though being Hindu by religion, I have read much about Jesus Christ and Christianity. But I believe that apart from the faith, in any religion on the earth, one has to go inside. Our inner-self is our real-self. And my experience shows that meditation is the best tool to help us peeping inside of us.

    Keep meting here. I feel peace in mind while talking with persons like you.
    God bless you.

    Naval Langa

  2. Thank you for sharing my friend. It can be difficult to trust God at times like these. But it is true that He is using it for our greater good. We have to trust Him.

    I love the song. As we have struggled over the last few years, I have thought a lot about it. It's real easy to sing "I Surrender All", but do we really mean it? That's the hard part...living it out in our day to day lives. Are we really prepared to do that? It is a question I have had to struggle with and come to terms with. I think I have some insight that I didn't have before. But I know I am not completely there, yet.

    Thanks for sharing my friend! I pray you are having a blessed week! BTW, I am really enjoying getting to know you through your blog. You have such a wonderful smiling face!

  3. Hi Alicia

    Thank you so much for your nice words.

    You are so correct - surrendering our all every day is not easy. Easier said than done.


  4. Sister Myriam,

    What a wonderful post, he is my all in all and I come to realize that we must surrender all if we are to grow otherwise how can he use us for his purpose and glory.

    Your spirit resonates, stay connected.

    Brother Wilson

    GOD Bless~~~

    PS: I did not realize you had posted.

  5. Myriam,
    Thank you for blogging! I enjoy reading your blog and love hearing the Lord speak through you! Thank you for sharing and may God Bless you & Keep you always!

  6. Myriam. I love you! I'm sitting here trying to catch up with my blog buddies and when I get to your post, I click on this song. I've never, ever heard it and I immediately started crying. I think it's a combination of the past week and my putting my trust in his hands this morning when I presented my slides and also knowing that he was there for me all along. He has so many great things in store for me if I can just step aside and stop trying to lead. In the middle of my stress, so to speak, I got a call about a great job offer and the only drawback was that I had to find my own replacement. My excitement immediately went to a burst balloon. After I vented for about half the day, I thought about Oprah and how desparately she wanted the part in the Color Purple. She said that GOD to her to Surrender ALL and she did and that's whe Quincy Jones called her and offered her the role. I surrendered the position and told GOD that if that's not his will for my life, I surrender it. And the whole while I was going through that, you have this beautiful song for me.

    Love, peace and blessings.
    PS I received the book and can't wait to get into it. I so need something to strengthen my prayer life.

    Have a fantastic week!
    I wish you could come to DC and take your son to the Harlem Globetrotters, if he hasn't already seen them
