Well - I have kept this burning secret. Please do tell - it's writing. Writing what exactly? Don't know for sure but I have ideas. If you are an agent - please don't hesitate because I can guarantee you cats won't have my tongue. Seriously- it's a dream. We are supposed to dream, right. Dream on - girl. I might have to really check my English and plan to take courses in the future geared towards writing. As you can tell - I am all over the map so I am bound to find what I am looking for while I am full of grayed hair.
I am thinking of being the next JK Rowling. JK who? The woman who wrote the 'Happy Potter' sensation that took the world by storm. I would love to write something well organized for my baby Brandon and hopefully his children (not child) not children who will want to know their heritage. It isn't a pretty heritage but God is the big Redeemer. Praise His sweet Name - He is in the redeeming business. Add to that my addiction to the Bible - something biblically related. The truth I'd like to write anything biblically related in French or Creole for my people but I am no where fluent in either language to accomplish such a huge task but I will caress the idea.
Off I am to those two sites which contain excellent tips.
Thanks for reading my blawg.
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