
Saying goodbye..

Brandon’s best buddy is moving to Florida in a few days. From the very first days of last year in September, they had quickly become best friends. There were endless phone calls, play dates, sleep over over the course of the third grade year. And now the end is in sight and I wanted to do something for them to remember and as they quickly voted for the destination – it was Dave & Buster’s (www.daveandbusters.com) where you get to eat, drink, and play. Well – no eating took place because there were too many games to play and not enough time. But drinking they did. Oh and play – not enough hours in the day – well there were hours left but we ran out of money first. Two other kids accompany the best buddies to make it even more enjoyable. All were 8 years old running around while I sat down to consume a beautiful plate of BBQ grilled chicken with greens beans and mashed potatoes. My food was very delicious. After which, I decided to chase them around to better manage the cards which were being used to pay for the games.

A great Friday evening it was. A day they are still talking about and probably will cherish for some time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it's so hard to say good-bye to friends. What a great night you had for them though.

    Thanks for stopping by and for your honest words. At least we're all striving to say that "God is enough"

